
  在Google Chrome浏览器中,将某个标签页从标签栏上拖走,然后它就会在新窗口打开,但是如果我们想一次性将多个标签页拖动到新窗口,以便于对过多的标签页进行分组,该如何操作呢?如果一次一个的从原窗口,拖动到新窗口,可是个不小的工程量啊,虽然这可能是个非...

List of Control Panel Commands in Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP

##Busy these days. Mark and translate later.##   Sometimes it's easier, or maybe even necessary, to open a Control Panel applet from a command line in Windows. Each Control Panel applet can be opened by executing a command, you just have to know...