之前介绍过《创建Word快捷方式快速访问上次打开的文档》,涉及到了Word的启动参数/mfilen,在某些时候确实能够使得工作效率大大提高,那么我们就会想是否还有其他的一些启动参数呢,下面列出微软官方给出的适用于Word 2010, Word 2007, Word 2003, Word 2002, 以及 Word 2000的一些参数。
下列参数在 Word 帮助文件中有列出。
Type | To do this |
/a | Starts Word and prevents add-ins and global templates (including the Normal template) from being loaded automatically.The /a switch also locks the setting files; that is, the setting files cannot be read or modified if you use this switch. |
/laddinpath | Starts Word and then loads a specific Word add-in. |
/m | Starts a new instance of Word without running any AutoExec macros. |
/mmacroname | Starts Word and then runs a specific macro. The /m switch also prevents Word from running any AutoExec macros. |
/n | Starts a new instance of Word with no document open. Documents opened in each instance of Word will not appear as choices in the Window menu of other instances. |
/safe | Starts Word in Safe Mode. |
/ttemplatename | Starts Word with a new document based on a template other than the Normal template. |
/w | Starts a new instance of Word with a blank document. Documents opened in each instance of Word will not appear as choices in the Window menu of the other instances. |
(no switch) | A new Word window is opened with a blank document using the existing instance of the Word program. |
下列参数在 Word 帮助文件中为列出。
Type | To do this |
/c | Starts a new instance of Word and then invokes NetMeeting. |
/q | Starts Word without displaying the Word splash screen. This switch is only available in Word 2000 Service Release 1 (SR-1). |
/r | Starts Word, starts Setup, makes changes in the Windows registry, and then quits. This switch forces a re-register of Word in the Windows registry. |
/u | Has no effect and does not start Word. |
/x | Starts a new instance of Word from the operating shell (for example, to print in Word). This instance of Word responds to only one DDE request and ignores all other DDE requests and multi-instances. If you are starting a new instance of Word in the operating environment (for example, in Windows), it is recommended that you use the /w switch, which starts a fully functioning instance. |
/z | This is similar to the /t switch. However, this switch raises the New event. For example: winword.exe /z mytemplate.dot. For more information, visit the following MSDN Web site: |
pathname\filename | Starts Word with a specific document open.Note To open multiple files at once, use pathname\filename. Example: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Winword.exe" c:\filename1.doc c:\filename2.doc |
(any other switch) | Starts a new instance of Word. For example, if you start Word with just the / and no switch, or with any unlisted switch combination, Word just starts a new instance of Word with a new blank document. |
下列参数在 Wrod 2000的帮助文件中有列出,但不包含于 Word 2002 和 Word 2003 的帮助文件。
Type | To do this |
/mfilen | Starts Word and then opens the specified file on the Most Recently Used (MRU) list on the File menu. |
下列参数仅限于 Word 2007 和 Word 2010。
Type | To do this |
/f | Starts Word with a new document based on an existing file. |
/h http://filename | Starts Word and opens a read-only copy of a document that is stored on a Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services site. The site must be on a computer that is running Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 or Windows SharePoint Services 2.0. |
/tfilename | Starts Word and opens an existing file. |
/pxslt | Starts Word and opens an existing XML document based on the specified Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT). Note XSLT: A file that is used to transform XML documents into other types of documents, such as HTML or XML. It is designed for use as part of XSL. |
原始内容参见Microsoft Support